Friday, January 1, 2010

Our New Year Newsletter

Happy New Year in 2010

Dear friends,

Time flies so fast. There are a lot of ups and downs in 2009. We are very thankful how God guided us walking through the valleys and hills.

Kevin was ordained at Zion Lutheran Church in Saskatoon on April 26, 2009. Kevin graduated and received a Master of Divinity from Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon in May 2009 and began his first call as an ordained minister. Two weeks later, our whole family moved to Davidson (one hour south of Saskatoon). The population here is about 1,000 people. The church provides a parsonage for the pastor’s family to live in. It is a 3-bedroom house with front yard and back yard. It is just right next to the church. Kevin can walks a few steps to church every day and he likes that. He really enjoys preaching, leading Bible study and visiting people.
Alice supports Kevin in his ministry and gives him feedback for his Sunday sermons. Kevin says this makes for better sermons.

Alice returned back to work for Language Line Services since December 2008 after one year of maternity leave after Julianne was born in Dec. 2007. She takes care of Julianne during the day and works as an interpreter over the phone at home 4 nights a week. Alice is very thankful for this job because she enjoys working as an interpreter at home with flexible working hours. Cooking, doing laundry and cleaning is a daily routine for a full-time mom. She is hoping to find time to reconnect with old friends.

Julianne just turned two years old on December 21. One woman in the church baked a beautiful cake for Julianne. We celebrated her birthday at monthly potluck in the church. She enjoyed her cake and gifts. We hope she will pick up three languages. She learns English from Kevin, Mandarin from Alice and Cantonese from grandpa and grandma. Her favorite toys are mega blocks.

Alice and Julianne went to Taiwan to visit Alice’s parents for 3 weeks in October and Julianne got to meet her grandparents in Taiwan for the first time. Kevin didn’t come with us this time. Julianne picked up a little bit Taiwanese while she was in Taiwan and she really enjoyed Taiwanese food. It was a great visit.

We hope to reconnect with you. May God be the Lord of your household. May God shine his face upon you and be with you all the time. Amen.

Kevin, Alice and Julianne Sam